The National Girls Collaborative Project is excited to announce participation in a new project called Science Action Club. The Texas Girls Collaborative Project ( is excited to bring this project to Texas in collaboration with The University of Texas at Austin Environmental Science Institute, the Austin Science & Nature Center, the Cameron Park Zoo (Waco), and The University of Texas at Austin Women in Engineering Program!
Selected programs will receive in-depth training on Science Action Club activities, kits, and teaching techniques for the informal learning environment. Each curriculum guidebook includes step-by-step plans for 12 fun activities designed for one-hour club meetings. Teaching kits valued at $500 contain high-quality science equipment and classroom supplies for 20 youth along with digital resources that provide opportunities to extend learning.
Apply to receive training and materials for this 2-module curriculum in 2016-2017. Bugs in Your Schoolyard in the fall and Birds in Your Schoolyard in the spring. Each module has 12 activities that connect students to real-world research projects conducted by professional scientists.
The Bugs in Your Schoolyard Activity Leader Training will be held on October 22, 2016 at The University of Texas at Austin. Birds in Your Schoolyard training will be held in the spring
Limited funding for travel is available to educators outside of the greater Austin area. Contact Tricia Berry at with your request after completion of the application.
Space is limited. Applications are due Monday, October 10, 2016 by 5 p.m. Apply online now! Application decisions will be made by Thursday, October 13. If you have questions, contact Didey Montoya at or Tricia Berry at